Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 1st


What on earth!? Where did the summer go??? It just always sneaks up on us, doesn't it? I really am not totally complaining, except that I haven't gone swimming one time yet!  I am feeling very odd during this end of summer time. Usually I am preparing stressing out about the next school year.  I usually try to start getting back into teaching routines like going to bed by 10/11 and getting up and moving by 7, but rarely does that work out.  Instead I tend to say "Forget this madness! I only have 2 more weeks to sleep in and you betcha I am gonna sleep in later than I ever have!"  Unfortunately (and fortunately) I will not be teaching this year, and so I have to figure out a way to get self motivated!

I usually am a very driven person, but if I get in a funk, I just piddle, stall and "waller" about until the next thing I know it's dinner time! I need a routine and a schedule to follow to be my most successful   I love checking things off a list!  As one way to help myself get motivated to go to bed decently and wake up decently, I have somehow been convinced to run (ya know or walk) a 5k with some girlfriends.  Honestly, I think I may have actually volunteered.  Who am I??  Chance and I jogged a few times in early summer to start getting fit, but ya know...Texas heat is a great excuse to not work out, since it's 95* all night and early morning long!  EXCUSES!

Living at home, I feel much safer to jog at the school track or in a neighborhood.  I just don't like going alone especially in early morning or late night, which are my only options with my snow cone runnin' schedule! So if I don't want to let my lovelies down for this hot chocolate run, then I must start getting in jogging shape.

While this morning was a total fail, since I woke up at 9, I  decided to spend a little time organizing my mess and spending some time listening to Matt Chandler.  If you haven't heard this man preach, you are missing out! God is using him in big ways and I feel so inspired after hearing each sermon.  The village church is definitely one of the things I will miss the most about Dallas. I've attended the highland village campus, the denton campus, and now the dallas campus during the last 10 years of my life.  It was one of my main reasons for not being willing to move. However, the Lord showed me that the church is everywhere and my heart feels led to find a new home church in our new city. And ya know podcast the ol' village sermons on a weekly basis :)

Off to work,  peddling snow cones to sugar lovin' people!

Fare the well!

P.s. sorry no pics! My phone camera is ghetto and I can't find my digital. Story if my life!

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