Thursday, October 17, 2013

A little clay day

Today has been superb! I just have to say!  It has been a real winner.

Firstly, I had bible study fellowship this morning, which has already been a huge blessing.  Our multigenerational & multicultural group is just full of knowledge and experience.   I also met a girl in my group that just moved to Austin too!  She actually knows some people that I know from home....meant to be!  We are meeting next week for lunch. :)

Feeling great about the day, I came home to prepare my art goods and work on some clay projects. And then, well, the power went out.  Luckily hand building uses zero electricity!  Here are some images of my day in a nutshell, including some of my new critters.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your little owlettes came together quickly! They're so precious! There was an owl in the yard last night - it made an strange sound so Brian and I looked out and saw its silhouette perching on a tree branch and then it flew away! I think it was hunting the frogs in our backyard!
