Monday, September 16, 2013

Get real people...

That awkward moment when you meet someone who truly believes that money buys happiness and makes them better than you and/or most everyone!

I had this experience only moments ago when I found myself telling  a woman twice my age that "well, money isn't everything!" . How sad to consider this person has made it to nearing retirement age and doesn't know that being known and having stuff is not what we are designed for! Consumerism is a nuseating thought as it is, but to earn money and think hoarding things will be the end sad. What a disappointing existence.

As I embark on my journey of not working a full time job outside of the home, I am encountered with people asking what I'll do all the time. Well, for one, I am working just so ya know! Creativity is a lot of work! Something I find, in people without creativity, is their ability to simplify it as if you are just piddling around staring at the sky. False. We live in a world that revolves around creativity! Take the time to consider that as you use that smart phone, type on that iPad, buy a lamp, spin around in front if the mirror, or drive to your sales job. Creativity and art is life and you benefit from it as much as anyone else.

Furthermore, this conversation with the wild eyed lady made me realize something about myself. I am selfish. I do not want to end up like her or "seeing things in millions" as she so kindly worded. My hope is to use extra money and extra time I may have to benefit the kingdom of God. I want to serve others, serve the children, and love on the lost. It is one of the things I look forward to the most as we move to a new city, and I redirect my time from lesson plans and matting art to tapping into a few other unused gifts The Lord has granted to me. Your prayers are appreciated, that I not forget what I realized today, and I make an effort to fight off temptations to fall not apathy or laziness just because I can.

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